Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Thoughts on the Final Project (because I need to keep them somewhere, sorry, I wish all posts weren't syndicated)

Consider what we want to learn in this course as a way to envision our final projects.

What I want to learn in this class

  • discover, tinker with, and create using new (to me) digital tools
  • create a digital written and/or spoken piece that can be used for instruction or play (or both)
  • get user feedback from participants (or classmates)
What I want to avoid in this class
  • work in a large group of 6+ people
  • work on a project that doesn't inspire me personally or professionally

Considered the Course Objectives from the syllabus:

A. Review history of writing in terms of composition practices and changing technologies
B. Recognize distinctive features of composition theory derived from digital technologies
C. Explore shifts in the conceptions within composition studies as "writing" moves from the page to the screen
D. Re-conceptualize writing practice and ethics in terms of multimedia composing
E. Analyze and compose multimedia texts in a range of genres
F. Create a literacy philosophy consistent with 21st century composing practices
G. Create a writing studies course or multimedia site with a keen design focus on the new affordances of multimedia text
H. Create a strategy to include multimedia composing in future work

Initial final project ideas from what I want to learn matched with course objectives:

1. Take videos from Youtube and remix them for instructional purposes. For example, take someone's video but swap out the audio track. (C, D, E, H)  Fooled with something like that last week. It was fun and it'll be useful. It was way more work than it seemed, though, and required lots of technology. Not sure the juice is worth the squeeze.

2. Embed other people's videos into a learning object made by me.  (C, D, E, H) Yeah, but I already did something similar for my discussion lead.

3. Create a book in Moodle using video, audio, and quizzes. That's advanced Moodle, I've never made one and don't know anyone who has. Not entirely sure what it would entail. (C, D, E, F, G, H)

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